Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Blogging in my 20s

This blog is a time capsule from my high school years. The last post is from 2014. I was 15, in year 12. A lot has changed since then - I'm 20 and done with my third year of university. I think I should feel embarrassed about this perfect preservation of my naive teen years on the internet for everyone to see, but I can't bring myself to delete any of these posts either. This is meant to be a year of radical vulnerability for me (my resolutions this decade tend towards prioritising my emotional well-being) and I think it's special to have the words I wrote five years ago guarded like this where I can always look back to them.

I think being able to look back at my past is something that's really important to me. I've tried to keep a diary through the last few years because the fear of forgetting my youth and the people and moments that were important to me and made me laugh or cry or just feel something - that fear is paralysing sometimes. It centres me when I can pick an old journal out of my shoebox of memories and transport myself to a moment in my past. It's humbling to read about the problems I thought would end me three years ago only to recognise that I've persisted. I'm still here.

I guess this post is just a verbose way of saying that I'm going to blog my 20s (my age and the decade). Sometimes it'll be book reviews, sometimes life reviews, sometimes just recounts of dumb things I've done that make me smile so big my heart could burst. It feels like the years go by faster and faster every year and all I want is to hold on to these moments while they're still here. So, hello 2020, I hope we'll be good friends, but even if we aren't, I hope the story is still worth telling.